It's not very often that we get to chat with a top rock musician and talk about geeky recording studios or record production so I was delighted to meet up with Dan Hawkins, previously of The Darkness and now the Stone Gods, and found someone who cares deeply about recording, equipment and production.

There must be hundreds of websites dedicated to Dan Hawkins so we're not even going to go to the detailed information blurb about what a rock star has for breakfast (toast). What we're here for is to find out about one of the most amazing new studios anywhere that Dan has built.
The thing that grabs us is that Leeders Farm Studios blends some of the best aspects of many great residential recording studios. The kitchen reminds us of Hook End Manor, the grounds reminds us of Ridge Farm (sadly missed), the control room reminds us of Rockfield. That's not to say that Leeders farm is a copy of any of these but it has a warmth and frienlieness that we associate with some of the great studios and has added its own superb location, blend of equipment and staff that we like very, very much.
We were delighted to record a series of videos here at Leeders Farm, one with Nick Brine (Studio Manager and ace producer/engineer pictured above) and another with Dan Hawkins. Nick's video will be here soon but in the meantime, while you wait for his video, call to arrange a visit after watching Dan's video! This place is awesome and you will not be dissapointed! Oh, the staff are great too!
Leeders Farm Studios website.