Over 100 leading UK recording industry people came together to celebrate the APRS' 60th.
We took a lot of photos:
View all of the photos of the day in this gallery
Amoung the guests were Glyn Johns, Ken Townshend, Benny Gallagher and over 100 leading industry figures.
The Association of Professional Recording Services promotes the highest standards of professionalism and quality within the audio industry. Its members are recording studios, post-production houses, mastering, replication, pressing and duplicating facilities, and providers of education and training, as well as record producers, audio engineers, manufacturers, suppliers and consultants.
The APRS' primary aim is to develop and maintain excellence at all levels within the UK's audio industry. You don't need to be the biggest music studio or post facility to join, membership is open to all who are involved in the industry including students.
Any member or other person interested in the work of the Association is warmly invited to make contact with the APRS office.
We strongly promote the MPG - music producer's guild - and hope that you can visit their site too!
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