Latest Producer and Studio Feature News

Thank you for being a friend of! We've been really busy trying to modernise and improve the site and now offer full screen HD video features that can be embedded in to your blogs or FB pages. We hope that you like the new format and can spread the word by adding links to us on your blog etc but do let us know what improvements or features that you'd like to see.

Latest features

There are lot's of new videos on RP, too many to list since the last newsletter but a few highlights include:

Stuart Bruce recalls the Live Aid session

Edd Hartwell started out as Trevor Horn's apprentice and has now gone solo

Ken Scott talks at Abbey Road Studios about recording epic sounding drums

Tomás de Camino Beck is our first producer featured in Costa Rica

Andy Bell, Hannah James & Sam Sweeny talking recording folk with Russ Cottier

George Shilling interviews Parisian born and classically trained Dimitri Tikovoi

Jake Jackson talks about recording Dr Who scores at Air Studios

Stuart Hamilton raves about his new desk at Castle Sound in Edinburgh

Abbey Road engineer's Sam Okell and Chris Bolster feature

Danton Supple's latest interview talking about recording Coldplay

Simon Efemey talks about the challenges in recording Metal

Chestnut Studio's Chris Young feature in a very Space Age studio

Click here to visit the full list of producers featured.

Be featured

Would you like to be featured? It's free! Just ask us to visit and if you're too far away get a friend to record a video to send us - or send us the bus fare!

We are looking for new contributors who can spend a day a month recording features or writing blogs in areas that we can't get to - sadly we have very little money but will do our best to cover costs and will give you lots of exposure. Please get in touch if you're interested.

Be sure to visit the RP Blog - Get your regular producer and studio updates and follow Eccentric, Fran Ashcroft and other contributors every month. Get the latest Podcasts and vlogs too!

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