WOW! It's taken us nearly 10 years to do but we've crossed the 200 producer and engineer features milestone! There are also about 200 studio features. We hope to increase the monthly output but it takes a lot of time and money. Many thanks to the people who put themselves forward for being featured and to the people who help!
Over the last month or two we've been very busy filming new features and quite a few new videos will be here soon including a brilliant John Leckie interview by George Shilling. Due to catching bugs and all of the general Christmas chaos we thought a mini newsletter with some key news would be a good idea. A full Newsletter will come at around Christmas.
November saw the real launch of the Blog and it's been attracting a growing number of visitors and contributors. Special thanks to the Blog's contributors! Notable contributors have been Fran Ashcroft who writes weekly features that cover everything from Abbey Road to Chinagraph pencils! Ian Shephard wrote a very interesting article obout Spotify and Ken Lewis' guitar recording series is soon to be followed by a vocal recording series. Anonymous big studio owner 'Compressor' tells it like it is and makes you wonder why studio owners bother!
The idea of the new Reviews Section is to create a pool of real user reviews of equipment. The bugs have mostly been fixed and many people have been adding their reviews. If you register you can upload new 'products', ie, your favourite microphone etc. Anyone can leave reviews but they are checked for spam before going live. We really want people to register and use real names so that the review has credibility. If you are featured on the site and leave regular reviews we will push your feature up to say thanks!
Please visit the Reviews and add your user reviews!
There are nearly 2,000 regular users of the Network now. It's a great place to meet with people that can help you and you can help others. Add examples of your work, short videos and much more. Many people have been featured on the main site too so please sign up and keep in touch, interact with the site and help shape its direction.
Sometimes it looks like not much is going on and keeping up to date with new features is now much easier now that you can you follow updates on Twitter.
New updates will be posted as they go live.
Join us on our forums. You can have your own page and it's a great way to contribute and be involved. It's a good way to post useful additional information and to get us to set up a big feature for you!
We are always bumping in to people that haven't seen the site before so please tell your friends and add a link to us on your blogs, mySpace, Facebook etc! Thanks!
If you have been featured and would like to support us why not buy prints or high resolution downloads? Visit our galleries.
We are trying to raise funds for new cameras and recording gear plus new data server locations. If you'd like to be a sponsor please contact us!