Russ Russell - Metal producer video feature
Dave Eringa - Music producer video feature
Pat Dillett - Producer and engineer video feature
Steve Jordan - Music producer video feature
Kevan Gallagher - Engineer video feature
Follow us on Twitter to get the latest updates
YAWN........ The bit at the bottom that no one will read...
Ha! You're right. It's November now but welcome to the news and site updates that happened over October!
We have been super busy recording features and clawing our way through the backlog of unedited videos. Slowly, we are getting on top of things and getting ready to make even more changes and improvements. Thanks to everyone that's been helping with the new BLOG that has four new contributors writing weekly features and there are many more in the pipeline. The next newsletter will have much more about the blog and the contributors.
Sometimes it looks like not much is going on and keeping up to date with new features is now much easier now that you can you follow updates on Twitter.
New updates will be posted as they go live.
Follow us on Twitter to get the latest updates as they happen.
We are always bumping in to people that haven't seen the site before so please tell your friends and add a link to us on your blogs, mySpace, Facebook etc! Thanks!
If you have been featured and would like to support us why not buy prints or high resolution downloads? Visit our galleries.
We are trying to raise funds for new cameras and recording gear plus new data server locations. If you'd like to be a sponsor please contact us!