Five decades of recording hits with some of the greatest bands ever and it's still the place to be.
We love the Coach House. It has a great vibe and a great variety of recording areas that all sound magical. The control room features a classic Neve console and like the Quadrangle, it has access to the legendary echo chambers that mark out Rockfield as unique.

We aren't sure if we should describe the Coach House as the second studio to the Quadrangle as it offers more recording spaces than most top line UK studios, maybe it should be called the alternate studio? Whatever the title the spaces available include the large live room to the left of the control room, a medium sized live area in front of the control room that leads on to the large dead recording area that leads to two very ample sized booths.

The Quadrangle and the Coach House both have their own separate accommodation and living spaces. Each of the studios has an amazing range of recording spaces so loved by so many producers and artisits. The food and accommodation is excellent and the beautiful countryside starts at the door.
For the full information about Rockfield that includes studio plans and much deeper information visit the Rockfield Studios website.