We recorded a series of video features with some leading producers and engineers at the studio in Yorkshire. This video features engineer and producer Simon Humphrey.
Video - Recording engineer Simon Humphrey interview at Chair Works.
Video - Recording engineer Ben Hammond feature.
The Chair Works is one of the North UK's best spec'ed studio complex's. The studios are situated in Castleford, just outside Leeds and Chair Works boasts 3 recording studios:
Room 1: 48 Channel SSL G+ 4048 console with Ultimation moving fader automation
Room 2: 48 Channel Neve Loaded Amek Motzart
Room 3: 48 Channel Euphonix CS2000
All rooms feature full Protools HD for seemless project intergration, outboard from manufacturers such as Manley, Chandler, Teletronix, Urei, Pultec, Tubetech, Drawmer, Lexicon, EMT, TC Electronic, Neve, API, DBX, Focusrite, and an impressive mic collection from makes such as Neumann, Blue, AKG, Ev, Shure, Soundeluxe, Calrec, Soundfield and many more.
The Chair Works has one goal, to bring the music industry back up north as so many great Northern bands are being signed and sent straight off to london. Chair Works wants to change this and keep the music where it belongs, their aim is to attract all kinds of bands, on all kinds of levels, from all over the world!

With great sounding, spacious, comfortable studios, and highly talented and experienced engineers, the Chair Works can provide you with a great sounding profesional product at very competitive rates.
We hope to bring a full video tour and producer interviews shot here in the near future - visit their MySpace page here and their main website here.