Night Sky Productions is a New York-based company providing excellent music production for records, original composition and scoring for film and television, as well as multi-media sound design. The in-house producers believe in creating the very best musical product possible - whether it's a record project, a dance remix, a film soundtrack, or a CD-ROM effects track.

Steve Donato, Night Sky Productions
"Whether it's an original score, a remix, or a record production - we can take your project to a whole new level" say's owner Steve Donato who studied under acclaimed jazz pianist Franco Richmond, and legendary pianist and Maestro Michael Thomas Privitello at Berklee College of Music. After moving to New York City in 1993 Steve founded Night Sky Productions. Credits include everything from corporate campaigns and industrials, to award winning video scores, film and television scores and trailers, to chart-topping remixes and recording projects.
Steve is also collaborating with some of the best songwriters in New York for established, as well as upcoming artists. In 2003, Night Sky Productions will celebrate it’s 10th successful year in business.
Special thanks to every one at Night Sky for taking the time to help us produce this feature and very special thanks to Johnny Jaskot of for recording and editing this excellent video!