Continuing our in depth studio production series with recording engineer Clint Murphy we look at Clint's Floor Mic technique. The video is only a few minutes long and shows the placement that Clint uses, the compression settings and most importantly, how it actually sounds!
This technique for recording drums was featured here on the site several years ago and has been referenced by other engineers in features, notably by George Shilling in his drum recording video.
There are many methods for capturing ambient / room drums sounds but we think you should give this drum recording technique a try - and maybe record your own video for us to post with any variations or tweaks that you've found to work even better!
Clint is recording a series of recording and mixing tips & techniques ranging from microphone comparisons to drum compression. Come back for more soon and if you've got some tips you'd like to share please let us know, maybe we can have Clint visit you!
Watch more Clint Murphy video features
Special thanks to Clint for recording this and to everyone at Modern World Studios!
Clint can be contacted via his website: