Watch leading recording engineers talking on camera about recording in the pro and home studios. Learn their unique and special recording tips, learn how to record and mix better.
Russell Cottier and the crew visited Edge Studios in Cheshire , UK, on a rainy day to find out about the famous recording techniques that Sylvia is known for - recording guitars through cheese and light bulbs, using hose pipe to get a different...
Around 80 producers and engineers met up at Abbey Road's Studio Three in October 2018 to participate in a live recording workshop with senior Abbey Road Studios engineer Andrew Dudman.
A group of recording engineers met up at Rimshot Studios, a lovely recording studio in the UK's Kent countryside, to try out some ideas, share techniques and hang out.
March 2017 - We were at Rimshot Studios recording a new production series for the site with musician Nigel Powell, pop producer superstar Gary Stevenson and ace engineer / producer George Shilling.
Three engineers on one session? How did we avoid a punch-up?. Actually, the three people working on the session all come from different backgrounds but surprisingly to us, they got on really well and we may have inadvertently created a production team by mistake.
Engineers Clint Murphy and Mike Exeter got together with Stuart Jones at Woodworm studios to record a feature for us following the recording of a complete track with a band to compare various recording approaches and methods.
We met up with music producer Robert Carranza in L.A where he spoke about his technique for recording acoustic guitar and vocals at the same time and keeping the different microphones in phase with each.